
Is this expected behavior?

NightMachinery opened this issue · 5 comments

Putting the caret at |:

(ns withering-spell.views
  (:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]))

(defn main-panel []
  (let [name (re-frame/subscribe [:name])]
    (fn []
       [:h1.lion "Headline"]
        (for [x (range 1 4)]
          [:li x])]
       [:div "Hi"]
        [:li "Cat is coming"]]
       [:button {:on-click #(re-frame/|)}]
       "I am your Death. Hello from " @name]

And pressing tab returns no completions. The ns form is loaded. Is this expected behavior? Default clojure.core things do auto-complete (like map).

gtrak commented

Cljs-tooling I think relies on load-file having been run, not evaling the ns form on its own over the repl, did you give that a try?

gtrak commented

Try cider-load-file, I think it's C-c C-k?

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