
sayid breaks emacs-cider compilation for specific projects

paulrd opened this issue · 3 comments

I tracked down a weird bug in spacemacs-develop branch to the addition of the sayid package at this commit.
I had been working with some cider-emacs people to track down the strange bug here.
I was wondering if you could look into it.

Inclusion of tools.nrepl in project dependencies may not be required to produce the bug (it was intermittently required for me to reproduce the bug but no longer needed).

bpiel commented

@paulrd I'm able to reproduce the bug and have confirmed that upgrading sayid to [org.clojure/tools.reader "1.3.0-alpha3"] fixes it.

The tests pass, but I'm going to make sure nothing breaks for me during use today before I do a release.

I'll post here once the fix is released. Thanks for tracking this down.

bpiel commented

@paulrd This took me much longer to get to than I expected, but it's done. It should hit melpa within a few hours, I believe.
