
Any chance for a Vim plugin?

jeaye opened this issue · 8 comments

jeaye commented

This project looks perfect for answering the "Why is my data this shape?" question. Any plans for Vim users, or making the project easily consumable by other plugin writers?


bpiel commented

@jeaye I would love for there to be a vim plugin! I'm just not the person to write it. However, if someone were interested in taking that on, I'd be happy to provide guidance, docs or anything like that.

I think the important thing would be to document the nrepl operations, and how to interact at that level. This should allow vim developers to build on nrepl abstractions that vim plugins like fireplace/acid provide.

bpiel commented

@SevereOverfl0w I'll put this on my near-term todo list. thanks

bpiel commented

I'll just add: would-be plugin authors are welcome to contact me about ways to improve the nrepl interface. I built it around exactly what I needed to accomplished what I wanted for emacs, so it might not be as well suited for other editors.

I've created a proof of concept for a Vim plugin.

I'll be adding more to it, but here's a preview.

jeaye commented

I've added the following to vim-sayid:

  • Persistent Sayid buffer
  • Buffer commands for exploration
  • Syntax highlighting

The plugin feels usuable at this point, so I would certainly appreciate some feedback. :)