attachment_preview breaks jQuery
Closed this issue · 7 comments
Hi clonemeagain,
I have a couple osTicket Awesome users that are also using your plugin. When your plugin is enabled some jQuery becomes borked in an odd way.
Any change you might know what is going on, off the top of your head?
I'd prefer to find a fix rather than asking my users to disable your plugin. Cheers!
Haven't tried it, can you capture the console log?
Off the top of my head? I'd think it might be changing the files the plugin assumes are there in ways it doesn't anticipate.. might have to get a copy and have a look
That's weird, I wasn't seeing anything significant in the console earlier, but now I am:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
tickets.php?queue=1:1059 AP: Plugin running, initial fetch limit configured to ALL.
tickets.php?queue=1:1233 AP: Plugin loaded
I set up a demo installation with the plugin activated if you would like to have a look.
user: demo
pass: demodemo
The malformed jQuery doesn't show up on every ticket page, but it does on the Answered page, for example.
It is rather fascinating. When viewing an affected page in mobile layout, some of the jQuery is even rendering within the mangled code.
I think it must be the XML processing.. the plugin converts the page output into a DOMDocument, then spits it back out as HTML. Normally OST is a well-formed document, and the xml stuff is configured to ignore trivial errors, so this works. I guess they are doing something "technically possible", but not within spec, so it breaks when converted like that. I can see jQuery and HTML merged together, likely because the jQuery is supposed to be writing HTML, however after conversion is quoted wrong, so get's all munged in the browser.
If you want, you could try tweaking these settings: and see if that helps. Without the theme source I couldn't say for sure, but I would like to pressure them to rewrite so many inlined scripts as a single file which would bypass any of those problems.
I'm utterly swamped at the moment, but when I get a chance, I'll test the theory more and see what I can do on the plugins side, perhaps it needs a rewrite to bypass the DOMDocument entirely.
Alright, just playing with the options, if you leave the plugin enabled, but disable all the "allow embed PDF as inline" and such, turning them all off, it renders the other script quotes correctly. Enable even one of them (even if not used), and it changes the quotes from single to double in the theme scripts. That is weird.
Doesn't affect all the scripts either, just this one:
$( " a.preview" ).wrap( "<div class='ticket-num'></script></div>" );
$( "th.osta_ticket a" ).text( "#" );
$( "div[style='font-weight:bold']" ).closest( "td" ).addClass( "new-reply-waiting" );
$( "td.osta_ticket" ).prepend( "<div id="new-reply-icon" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="New Reply"><span class="dot"></span></div>" );
function myFunction(x) {
if (x.matches) { // If media query matches
$( "tbody tr" ).wrapInner( "<label></label>" );
$( "td.osta_priority.osta_priority_low" ).closest( "tr" ).addClass( "priority-low" );
$( "td.osta_priority.osta_priority_normal" ).closest( "tr" ).addClass( "priority-normal" );
$( "td.osta_priority.osta_priority_high" ).closest( "tr" ).addClass( "priority-high" );
$( "td.osta_priority.osta_priority_emergency" ).closest( "tr" ).addClass( "priority-emerency" );
$( ".overdueTicket" ).closest( "tr" ).addClass( "overdue" );
$( ".overdue td.osta_ticket" ).append( "<div class="overdue-ticket" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Ticket is Overdue!"> </div>" );
$( ".paperclip" ).closest( "tr" ).addClass( "paperclip-icon" );
$( ".paperclip-icon td.osta_ticket" ).append( "<div class="ticket-has-attachement" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" data-original-title="Ticket Has Attachment"> </div>" );
$( "tr" ).each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$href = $this.find( ".pull-right" ),
$target = $this.find( "td.osta_ticket" );
} else {
var x = window.matchMedia( "(max-width: 760px)" )
myFunction(x) // Call listener function at run time
x.addListener(myFunction) // Attach listener function on state changes
jQuery( ".truncate" ).each(function(i, value) {
var $link = jQuery(value);
var text = $link.text();
if(text.length > 55) {
$link.text(text.substring(0, 55) + "...");
It's right before /css/filedrop.css above the footer, also, uses ES6 style line termination in the matchMedia bits.. weird.
hi.. osticket currently closed lot of issues.. but a special one was taked in consideration: "Validations on forms not permit "0" as value" the number 1996 i not linked here due has lot of activity .. but i posted a note about the running behaviour of "updates and updates of changes" ...
Hi clonemeagain, it appears that this incompatibility no longer exists in the latest version of attachment_preview (v1.11). If you tweaked something, I appreciate it. Either way, amazing plugin, thanks.