
router-perf: latency calculation is not correct

qiliRedHat opened this issue · 2 comments

In mb the delay is the second column in the output csv file

delay: time in microseconds it took for a full response (e.g. a complete chunk-encoded message) to arrive since ``start_request''. If there was an error before we received the full response, the delay is the time it took to receive the error. gets the second element to count the latency

result =,
timeout=int(runtime) * 5)
if result.returncode:
print("mb execution error:")
results_csv = csv.reader(open(output))
for hit in results_csv:
if hit[2] not in result_codes:
result_codes[hit[2]] = 0
result_codes[hit[2]] += 1
# Record latency of 'SUCCESS' 200 OK response only
if hit[2] == "200":
if latency_list:
p95_latency = numpy.percentile(latency_list, 95)
p99_latency = numpy.percentile(latency_list, 99)
avg_latency = numpy.average(latency_list)
return result_codes, p95_latency, p99_latency, avg_latency

But in real test, with Executing 'mb -i /tmp/http-scale-mix.json -d 60 -o /tmp/results.csv', the total time is 60 seconds, but I get many results that the latency, could be avg and p95, are even longer than 60,000 ms

11-29 12:40:56.869  �[1mTue Nov 29 04:40:52 UTC 2022 Executing sample 1/2 using termination mix with 1 clients and 1 keepalive requests�[0m
11-29 12:40:56.869  Unable to use a TTY - input is not a terminal or the right kind of file
11-29 12:42:04.459  Executing 'mb -i /tmp/http-scale-mix.json -d 60 -o /tmp/results.csv'
11-29 12:42:04.459  Workload finished, results:
11-29 12:42:04.459  {
11-29 12:42:04.459      "termination": "mix",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "test_type": "mix",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "uuid": "2581f923-af0c-4ef0-a41d-e177c172b906",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "": "df292922-446b-48e3-b8ea-034cae269eae",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "": "qili-gcp-sdn-bnz5r",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "cluster.ocp_version": "4.12.0-0.nightly-2022-11-28-145121",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "cluster.kubernetes_version": "1.25",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "cluster.sdn": "OpenShiftSDN",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "cluster.platform": "GCP",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "requests_per_second": 12763,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "avg_latency": 156151,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "latency_95pctl": 530888,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "latency_99pctl": 615420,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "host_network": "true",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "sample": "1",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "runtime": 60,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "routes": 2000,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "conn_per_targetroute": 1,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "keepalive": 1,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "tls_reuse": true,
11-29 12:42:04.459      "number_of_routers": "2",
11-29 12:42:04.459      "200": 765836
11-29 12:42:04.459  }

If I read it correctly, delay: time in microseconds they are 615420 microseconds = 0.6s

Oh! sorry I misreading it as millisecond :P
1s =1000 ms/millisecond = 1,000,000 μs/ microseconds