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安装的是win版本,CloudDrive2Setup-X64-0.6.13.exe 在安装之前,本机已经安装了最新版的winfsp,随后安装成功后,随后注册账号一直有问题:
Failed to deserialize response message. The response header contains a gRPC status of OK, which means any message returned to the client for this call should be ignored. A unary or client streaming gRPC call must have a response message, which makes this response invalid.
后面卸载了之后,本机依然可以访问http://localhost:19798/。无论清缓存还是重启都无法解决。后来把winfsp也卸载了,然后重新安装CloudDrive2Setup-X64-0.6.11.exe 安装时会自动重新安装winfsp,安装成功后再打开http://localhost:19798/ ,左上角的web版本依然显示1.4.13.0版本,0.6.11对应的应该是1.4.11.0才对。