
Add a legend

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The rendered pages need a legend included to explain the various visual elements of the diagrams.

Below is a list of legend items for diagrams. Please discuss it in this issue.

If an item below is checked, it has been verified.

  • circles - Actors
  • arrows connecting components - One-directional data/information flow
  • lines connecting components (without arrowheads) - Bidirectional data/information flow
  • dotted lines - Data/information request that is system generated, rather than actor requested (e.g. authentication, or container creation)
  • labels on lines/arrows - Description of the data/information being transferred
  • square transparent boxes - Groups of components that together serve as a larger component
  • blue boxes - Component (which may be comprised of sub-components)
  • flags - External data components
  • diamonds - Collections of VMs or Containers

/cc @LinuxBozo


Work in progress screenshot.