
Offboard Haywood Wells (8/4) - waiting on confirmation for anything else

Closed this issue · 17 comments

In order to complete Haywood's exit from the team, the assignee should complete a prescribed set of tasks that will remove any special access.


Assignee: The tasks below are organized by the role needed to complete them. If you can’t complete any of the items on your checklist personally, you are responsible for ensuring that an appropriate person does it.

For compliance we need to show that critical offboarding actions happen within 24 hours of departure; some actions below need GitHub issues comments when completed. Completing tasks before departure is good. (control PS-4: personnel termination)

Haywood Wells


  • Mention the TTS HR liaison and TTS Tech Portfolio in this ticket so they can update with their status
  • Remove them from @cg-team, @cg-operators, and any other @cg- teams in the Slack Team Directory using the three-dot menu (instructions)
  • Remove them from the team roster
  • Remove them from the squad list
  • In the training tracker: if they're staying at TTS, move them to the "former teammates" tab; if they're leaving TTS, delete them from the spreadsheet
  • Remove them as invitees for any meetings on the calendar where they are specifically named
    • Invites where they are listed as part of the invitee group will be removed when they are removed from that group by the System Owner

System Owner (or person delegated by System Owner)

The following steps must be conducted and documented within 24 hours of departure:

  • Exit interview with supervisor or contract account manager: Discuss with departee the following information security topics:
    • They are to remove any non-public data (e.g. keys, passwords, code, documents) from any non-GSA device
    • They are not to disclose any non-public technical practices without authorization from GSA
    • They will not access systems or services without authorization from GSA
    • If the System Owner cannot hold this discussion, they will communicate to GSA OHRM that the above topics need to be communicated to the leaving person.
  • Remove them from the Github organization
  • Remove them from the team Google Group
  • If they are part of the business unit, remove their access to GovDelivery

The following do not directly impact security & operations and can happen later:

Cloud Operations

The following steps must be conducted and documented within 24 hours of departure:

  • Delete the user in all AWS accounts. There should be info on which AWS accounts you need to look at here
  • Remove their account name from the inputs.yml file in the AWS account audit
  • Remove their access as an admin on the platform on all environments (tooling/ops, development, staging, and production)
  • Remove any privileges that their account has due to membership in the team (even if not in Cloud Ops), such as admin_ui.user and
  • Remove any Org or Space roles that their account holds due to membership in the team (for example, remove them from the cloud-gov and cloud-gov-operators organizations)
  • Ensure any keys or passwords they had direct access to are rotated

@kelleyconfer because Haywood is a contractor, I know there are some additional steps or folks to reach out to, so I've added you to this ticket. I'll run through as much as I can, please let me know if there's anything else I can help with!

Squad list update PR in place: cloud-gov/product#1598

Removed Haywood from all the Google Group accounts and Nessus;, GovDelivery don't apply as Haywood never had access.

Removed Haywood from's GitHub organization and teams. Also removed any direct invites to team events on the calendar.

Haywood's AWS accounts have been deleted.

Removed all of Haywood's admin access on the platform:

Ops Admin:
Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 10 48 10 AM

CF Admin:
Screen Shot 2021-07-30 at 10 56 20 AM

Removed Haywood from any cloud-gov or cloud-gov-operators orgs and spaces in the platform.

Sent a message to

@JJediny, @afeld, and/or @adborden, if there's anything else you need from us here to help complete Haywood's offboarding from and TTS please let us know! He did not have any accounts with HackerOne, StatusPage, Docker Hub, Cloudcheckr, etc.

I think the Slack access is all that should remain - I already removed Haywood from our private channels.

Submitted a deactivate Slack user request via ServiceNow:

Submitted : 2021-07-30 11:21:33 AM
Request Number : REQ0625778
Estimated Delivery : --

Removed Haywood's AWS account name from our AWS account audit: cloud-gov/compliance#241

Haywood's Slack account was deactivated on 7/30:

Screen Shot 2021-08-02 at 10 50 52 AM

Hey @ccostino usually the Tech Portfolio's checklist kicks in as part of the TTS Offboarding. I'll double check your list here against what we have.

BTW, is this issue part of a template? I think StatusPage moved from Tech Portfolio to since you're the only team using it. I'd want to update the template to reflect that (and in case I find anything else that needs updating).

Rocal has been updated with departure date of 07/30/2021.

Offboarding ticket has been submitted for account deletion and postage for GFE return has been requested.

afeld commented

you're the only team using [StatusPage] does as well:

Thanks, @adborden and @afeld!

@adborden, yes, this issue is based on a template on our side, which is actively being updated (this format had some tweaks/adjustments we're trying for the first time!).