IGC help text changes
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mjperrins commented
The following possible improvements to the CLI text changes could be made.
- Top level title maybe rename to `IBM Garage Cloud Native Toolkit CLI
- Does
igc build
work if not remove the function -
igc dashboard
change to Open the Developer Dashboard in .... - remove the
igc launch-tools
functionality or deprecate it for future release title is wrong as well - Add URL to git org when
igc --help
used list some more links to Dev Docs -
igc login
what does it do ? if redundant deprecate
Usage: igc <command> [args]
igc build Build the image and push it into the IBM Cloud
igc create-webhook Create a git webhook for a given Jenkins pipeline
igc credentials Lists the urls and credentials for the tools
deployed to the cluster
igc dashboard Open the dashboard url in the default browser
igc deploy Deploy an image from the IBM Cloud registry into a
kubernetes cluster
igc enable Enable the current repository with pipeline logic
igc endpoints List the current ingress hosts for deployed apps in
a namespace [aliases: ingress, endpoint, ingresses]
igc generate-token Generate a Jenkins api token
igc git-secret [name] Create a kubernetes secret that contains the url,
username, and personal access token for a git repo
igc jenkins-auth Generate a Jenkins api token and register it as
kubernetes secret
igc launch-tools Launch the IBM Garage for Cloud tools image
connected to the current directory
igc login Log in using the ibmcloud cli, optionally configure
the cluster, and optionally runs a command
igc namespace [namespace] Create a namespace (if it doesn't exist) and
prepare it with the necessary configuration
igc pipeline Register a pipeline for the current code repository
igc tool-config Create the config map and secret for a tool
configured in the environment
igc vlan Print out the vlan values
igc yq <command>
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1