
Attempting to run tests: Cannot call method 'join' of undefined

SiAdcock opened this issue · 2 comments


After just upgrading to 0.1.8, I'm getting the following error when attempting to run tests

Running "jasmine:build" (jasmine) task
Warning: Cannot call method 'join' of undefined Use --force to continue.

I get the same error when I define my requireConfig inline, and even if I remove everything from requireConfig

    jasmine: {
        build: {
            options: {
                specs: 'test/specs/**/*.spec.js',
                template: require('grunt-template-jasmine-requirejs'),
                templateOptions: {
                    requireConfigFile: 'src/scripts/config.js',
                    requireConfig: {
                        baseUrl: 'src/scripts'

Is this a bug, or is there perhaps something wrong with my configuration?

Let me know if you need any further info

It's caused by conflict with host package, below is the workaround.

Conflict with grunt-contrib-jasime 0.6.x

The host package of this template has been upgrade to 0.6.x, which enables Jasmine 2.0 support.

Unfortunately, there's major conflict which can't be solved by code changes.

You cannot use this template in conjunction with 0.6.x of grunt-contrib-jasmine until the host package fixes that conflict.

We released v0.1.9 patch version with strict peerDependencies of host package to notify version conflict.

If you meet that error message, please downgrade your grunt-contrib-jasmine to ~0.5.2 by running below command:

npm install grunt-contrib-jasmine@0.5.2 --save-dev

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I've downgraded the host package and it's working again. I'll close this issue, as grunt-contrib-jasmine is causing the conflict