`SlackApprovalAction` fails due to outdated node runtime in Lambda function
calvinwyoung opened this issue · 3 comments
calvinwyoung commented
I'm trying to use the SlackApprovalAction
from @cloudcomponents/cdk-codepipeline-slack
, but I receive the following error when I run it:
Resource handler returned message: "The runtime parameter of nodejs10.x is no longer supported for
creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs14.x) while
creating or updating functions.
Is there any reason that lambda needs to use nodejs10.x? None of the lambdas are doing anything particularly complex so it appears to be safe to upgrade.
hupe1980 commented
There is no reason for that. It's just a mistake.
calvinwyoung commented
Awesome thanks for the quick response — I opened a small PR to fix this in #144.