
Future design and request for comments

lindyhopchris opened this issue Β· 36 comments

Plan for Version 2

We are starting to turn our attention to version 2 of this package. This issue describes the thinking and invites any comments/suggestions about the approach. We're aware a lot of people are using this package, so we want to get this right.


When we first wrote this Laravel package, it was based on a framework-agnostic implementation because we weren't just using it in a Laravel application. One of the best decisions of the 1.0.0-alpha/beta series was to move the code into this package and develop it as a solely-Laravel package.

During the 1.0 development we started making it feel more like a Laravel package, however there was a limit to how much we could do that without introducing more breaking changes than we were comfortable with.

The other bit of background is that we use the neomerx/json-api package, predominantly for the encoding. That package has a great attention on making encoding performant, so we still want to use it. However, we are not entirely confident that decisions made on that package fit with our overall approach and unfortunately recent changes to that package make extending some of the internals complex.

Additionally, exposing the neomerx interfaces to the Laravel developer makes this package feel less intuitively like a Laravel package - as there's more code to wrap your head around.


Based on this background, there are two main things we want 2.0 to achieve:

  1. Make the use of this package align closely with existing Laravel approaches (wherever possible); and
  2. Hide the use of the neomerx package so it becomes an internal implementation detail, rather than something the developer needs to know about.

Laravel Alignment

Currently we have:

- App
    - Http
        - Controllers
            - Api
                - PostsController (optional)
    - JsonApi
        - Posts
            - Adapter
            - Schema
            - Validators
            - Authorizer (optional)
            - ContentNegotiator (optional)

This will still work on 2.0, requiring only minor interface changes and PHP 7 type-hinting to upgrade. Any code relating to the implementation will be marked as deprecated and removed in 3.0.

Our new style for 2.0 will be this:

- App
    - Http
        - Controllers
            - Api
                - PostController (optional)
        - Resources
            - JsonApi
                - PostAdapter
                - PostResource
                - PostCollection (optional)
        - Requests
            - JsonApi
                - PostRequest
                - PostQuery

The reason for the JsonApi namespaces is to prevent collisions with existing classes, e.g
an Eloquent PostResource, or an existing PostRequest form request. It also makes it entirely clear which classes are to do with your JSON-API implementation.

There will be an option to sub-namespace things if you have multiple JSON APIs. E.g. if we have
a v1 and v2 API, the resources will be JsonApi\V1\PostResource, JsonApi\V2\PostResource etc.

This means the following differences from the current implementation:

  • Schema is replaced by PostResource, which will have a similar style to Eloquent resources. Similar is intentionally used, because the Eloquent approach will not fully work for JSON API, and it has some aspects that would undermine the performance of the JSON API encoder. Resource classes will implement Responsable and JsonSerialize so that they can be used in other contexts as required.
  • Validators is split into PostRequest for validating request JSON content and PostQuery to validate the query parameters for a response that will contain posts resources.
  • Authorizers cease to exist and use standard Laravel authorization via middleware, form request authorize methods, controller middleware and controller helpers.
  • ContentNegotiators are removed but the use-case is fully supported (and documented). Different media-types will be easier to wire in as there will be a specific PostRequest and PostQuery on which validation can be customised or skipped.
  • Adapters will return either the resource class, or the resource collection class, or null. These will allow the adapter to provide meta and links as needed.
  • Standard Laravel route bindings will be used.
  • The default controller will be composed using traits, allowing a developer to create their own custom controllers if they want. We will offload the running of the HTTP handling logic into a Server class, so it's easier to call our default handling of JSON API requests from within a custom controller if needed.
  • Controller and adapter hooks will be replaced with standard Laravel events. For resource update events, we will provide data about the before and after state, allowing listeners to decide to do something if a resource field has changed.
  • We will enable auto-generation of API docs by inspecting defined routes and the request/query classes. We will show example resources by serializing models created via Eloquent factories. This means the docs output will need to be created in development, and can then be committed to version control.

As an example, our new default controller would look like this:


namespace CloudCreatvity\LaravelJsonApi\Http\Controllers;

use CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Http\Actions;

class ResourceController

    use Actions\Index;
    use Actions\Store;
    use Actions\Show;
    use Actions\Update;
    use Actions\Destroy;
    use Actions\Related\Show;
    use Actions\Relationships\Show;
    use Actions\Relationships\Replace;
    use Actions\Relationships\Add;
    use Actions\Relationships\Remove;

The action names here match Laravel's default names for resource controllers - except for relationships, as they are a JSON API concept.

This means that if the developer wanted to write their own controller, changing the method signatures of some of the actions, they could compose their own controller using our traits - but omit the ones they want to change. E.g.


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Resources\JsonApi\PostRequest;
use App\Http\Resources\JsonApi\PostQuery;
use CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Http\Actions;
use CloudCreativity\LaravelJsonApi\Facades\JsonApi;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Responsable;

class PostController extends Controller

    // default actions, e.g.
    use Actions\Index;

    public function store(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request): Responsable
        if ($something) {
            // return something custom.

       // use our standard implementation via the `server()` helper.
       // lazily resolving the request/query classes means JSON API validation only happens now.
       return JsonApi::server()->store(

Outside of HTTP requests, you can query your resources using a fluent JSON API query syntax. This effectively allows you to run the logic within your adapters in a style familiar to a Laravel Query Builder (but using JSON API terms, such as include). Say we wanted to get a PostResource from a post id:

$resource = JsonApi::resources()->posts()->include('comments', 'author')->find($postId);

return \json_encode($resource);

Neomerx Package

We are currently using v1 of the neomerx package, but it is currently on v3 - which contains a lot of performance improvements. We therefore desperately need to upgrade.

However, as the current implementation involves developers extending or type-hinting classes/interfaces from the neomerx package, this change will be extremely breaking.

As we plan to change our use of the neomerx package to an internal implementation detail, 2.0 of our package will set the neomerx Composer constraint to ^1.0.3|^3.0. We will detect the version installed, caching the answer in config for performance reasons, and adjust the implementation internally to use either.

Developers will therefore be able to upgrade to 2.0 without changing their existing Schemas etc. And can then upgrade to neomerx v3 once they have converted to the new PostResource pattern described above.

How Can You Help?

Provide comments on this approach and highlight potential problems, so that we know whether we're on the right track!

We think that with these changes, this package will be one of the best options out there for building standard-compliant APIs in Laravel. So we could really do with a great website with docs that follow the Laravel docs sub-headings (i.e. so that they are instantly familiar to Laravel developers). If you're able to help out with a public website, let me know.

First of all, thank you @lindyhopchris for the huge effort that you are putting into developing and maintaining this package.

As for the feedback, I like most of what you've written and the goals that you wish to achieve with v2.

The idea that neomerx should just be an implementation detail is great πŸ‘

The only thing that I dislike in this approach is that the controller is no longer optional. The current way with a default controller and the convention of adapter/schema/validator/authorizer/content negotiator felt very robust and modular and I've never had to create my custom controller. In this new approach this part (even though the only work is gonna be to add a couple of default traits) seems redundant/not "artisan"-like code as every resource will have to have its controller and 99% of them will be literal copies with the included traits.

We have this approach with non optional controllers and provided default traits in our own JSON API bundle ( that we made for our Symfony apps and I must say that I like like the current way how this package works a lot better.

The approach with non optional controllers and provided default traits just lead to relatively big controllers where people would basically copy the entire trait method for the action in their controller just to edit a few lines for what they needed. So I'm speaking from experience when I say that I like the current way of this package a lot more.

Of course it's kinda hard to comment or judge this approach without seeing at least some code of how 2.0 will look so maybe people won't get caught in the above trap if the system will be very easy to hook into at each step of the way.

@X-Coder264 thanks, and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

You've made a really great point about the controllers. I think my thought process was around making content negotiation easier to wire in (it's very hacky at the moment to support other media types, though it does work). But actually sacrificing a good part of the package (not having to have controllers, as it's the exception rather than the rule that you'd need one) doesn't make sense as you say.

So I think the design above can be amended to continue making them optional. However, I'll compose the default controller of traits, so people can use the action methods elsewhere if they want.

I think the content negotiation will be easier to wire anyway because moving to specific form requests for resource types gives you a defined place to wire in customisations anyway. Also, by moving to an event-driven system rather than hooks, there should be less need to have a controller!

I'll amend the above description with the changes. There will be alpha releases for people to take a look at it in practice so there'll be more opportunity to comment as it develops. Currently thinking October to December will be the development period based on my current (paid) workload.

Thanks a lot for maintaining and pushing this package forward! It makes developing JSON:APIs in Laravel a pleasure! The direction described in this issue seems to make sense. But to be honest it's a little bit different to get a full picture without seeing more implementation details.

  • We will enable auto-generation of API docs by inspecting defined routes and the request/query classes. We will show example resources by serializing models created via Eloquent factories. This means the docs output will need to be created in development, and can then be committed to version control.

Are we taking about OpenAPI Specification (Swagger)?

  • Controller and adapter hooks will be replaced with standard Laravel events. For resource update events, we will provide data about the before and after state, allowing listeners to decide to do something if a resource field has changed.

Why only for update events and not for create?

Developers will therefore be able to upgrade to 2.0 without changing their existing Schemas etc. And can then upgrade to neomerx v3 once they have converted to the new PostResource pattern described above.

This would be awesome! But puts a lot of maintenance burden on this project, isn't it? Another approach would be codemods. I'm not that used to codemods in PHP but failed in love with them for JavaScript projects. There is a atanamo/php-codeshift package, which claims to provide a similar feature set and developer experience as jscodeshift.


The direction described in this issue seems to make sense. But to be honest it's a little bit different to get a full picture without seeing more implementation details.

Yes totally appreciate that... my intention with this issue is to float the direction and check people think it seems ok - before coding the implementation. So good to hear you think the direction makes sense.

Are we taking about OpenAPI Specification (Swagger)?

My thinking is I can create a representation that can then be passed to whatever format you want to output it as. Having an OpenAPI spec writer would make sense. But the writer pattern would mean we're not tied to one output format.

Why only for update events and not for create?

Because only an update has before and after state. For a create, there's no state initially, so no concept of attributes that were changed. You would of course have access to what was created.

To be clear, there will be creating, created, updating, updated, saved, saving events just as there are hooks now. It's just in the hook system at the moment there's no access to what values changed on an updated... which is how I ended up having to put in both controller hooks and adapter hooks, because only the adapter could call isDirty() on a model before saving it. In the new version, there won't be controller/adapter events... just one set of events, but anything listening to updated would be able to do something only if a particular field had its value changed, and access what the value used to be.

Another approach would be codemods.

Yeah I use code mods all the time in Ember JS land. It's an idea that could be investigated.

SEUH commented

Because only an update has before and after state. For a create, there's no state initially, so no concept of attributes that were changed. You would of course have access to what was created.

Just thinking about what would happen with sofdeletes. If we would handle them with a 'delete' event & 'change' event, we would end up with two events. Laravel only fires a 'deleted' event.

Also would be nice to see Operations. I've already read your comment that you won't add them until they are final in the standard but there is a really big need for them. I know this is a big problem since they aren't even in v1.1. Is there a possibility where we could implement them?

And thank your for this awesome package! We are in the final stages of our product development. If we are finished and we can make a living from it, we will definitely start contributing to this package!

Also would be nice to see Operations. I've already read your comment that you won't add them until they are final in the standard but there is a really big need for them. I know this is a big problem since they aren't even in v1.1. Is there a possibility where we could implement them?

There is a high chance that Operations will be supported by an official extension in v1.1: json-api/json-api#1435 and json-api/json-api#1437

I'm using this package for new APIs at my company, having been writing very ad-hoc APIs using Laravel for a while now and wanting to move to something based on a spec. This package has been awesome and I really appreciate all the work that's gone into it! I have but one hopefully-humble request:

We are currently structuring our code using the by-resource flag. It's much nicer to have an entire resource's code in the same folder, rather than being spread over multiple folders. With that in mind, we'd really appreciate it if it were still possible to make the file layout look like this:

- App
    - Http
        - JsonApi
            - Posts
                - Controller (optional)
                - Adapter
                - Resource
                - Collection (optional)
                - Request
                - Query

Maybe those leaf files could still have a Post prefix (which can make it easier to jump straight to the file using IDE navigation), just as long as they're all together!

This blog post makes a great argument for structuring application code in this fashion as projects get larger.

We also just started using this package for a project at my company, and I would be very happy to help in whatever way possible.

@crabmusket I was about to mention the same thing and then saw your comment. I agree, if namespaces and file paths were more customizable, the more this package could be used with larger projects.

@crabmusket I did set up a large project to use a module structure like your example. Also, going with your example I did use the Post prefix with the leaf files like you mention, same reasoning here too. I mostly took the shortest paths to hack this together and get it working but I could put together an example if it would help? It's mostly a combination of console commands to create the files in that structure and then a custom resolver to load them correctly.

@lindyhopchris I just want to take this chance to thank you for this package. I've just integrated it into a big project which took a lot of digging into source to get all of the customization I need and it's been a pleasure to work with. Perfect for my project. I'm going to update to 2.0 right away and I'll leave any feedback or help if I can. 2.0 looks great. I also ran into issues with the neomerx/json-api package, both being out of date and extending parts of it as you said.

Sorry for slow reply everyone!

@crabmusket yes, I prefer the pod structure too, so I think I would like to support this (but maybe not as the default, as the other way is more Laravel-y). Potentially we should keep the Post prefix, mainly because Resource is a reserved PHP word, so PostResource would be better.

@kdevan the resolution of files is already customisable, just not sure if I've written proper docs on it. The intention would be to leave the resolution behind an interface anyway, so this would continue to be customisable. Thanks for the great feedback btw, much appreciated!

In terms of 2.0... I'm still waiting for a window to appear in my work schedule to fit it in. Think I might have to look for weekends instead... Anyway, ideally I'd like to get it done for Laravel 7, but think that might be a bit of a push. Will see how the next month or so pans out with work deadlines.

Thanks for the great work with the library. I've just started using it, but I love it so far πŸ™‚

Regarding the documentation, you could use github pages and either or I think both can be customized to look similar to Laravel documentation. Both require minimum setup time and will read md files.

@dingo-d great, thanks for those docs suggestions!

Note to myself... the starter docs template for this also looks good:

As an update for everyone on this at the moment... I'm incredibly pushed with work deadlines at the moment. Refactoring this package to improve it is definitely still needed (all the work projects I'm active on use it), but I need to be realistic about how much refactoring I can do over a period of time.

Also I think it's probably best not to attempt to deliver all the above changes in one major version - because the upgrade path will be huge (and probably result with some people, including me, being stuck on 1.x because of the amount of time to upgrade).

Therefore the plan is still to deliver the above refactoring, but over a number of major versions... i.e. step the changes.

I think the first place to start is to upgrade the neomerx/json-api package as we're seriously behind on that.

How much support do you want from contributors in this process? I'm starting to make use of this package for new APIs where I work. I'd love to find some way to contribute, but getting my head around the code codebase isn't easy. Is there a specific issue you think would be useful to look into as a focus of my attention which would help me get up to speed? If nothing comes to mind, I think I'll just start to take a look at the neomerx package and get familiar with it, maybe implement some APIs using it only rather than the full automation of this package.

@crabmusket yeah, i find it very difficult to involve contributors in the process because the codebase is really complex. It's got complex because originally it was framework-agnostic. Part of this future development plan is to strip it back so that it feels much more like a full Laravel package, which will hopefully make it a lot easier for Laravel developers to understand!

My thinking is the first step is to do an upgrade of the neomerx/json-api package from 1.x to 4.x (the latest version). I don't think it's worth stepping that upgrade via 2.x and 3.x - it's so out-of-date we'd probably just be best going directly to 4.x.

If that's something you'd like to help with, then wrapping your head around the neomerx package is a good place to start. I'm hoping to have some time to work on this in the next couple of weeks.

@lindyhopchris, its been a while, but still awesome how hard you’re continuing on this package. Although I would like to help regarding neomerx, a thing I found hard about it, is it’s code. I’ve been researching other packages related for this topic and see a pretty new one coming up but looks (can be deceiving) a easier to me.

Is that even a possibility to change your base all together to this? I want to dig into this myself first as well

@Nizari thanks for suggesting that, haven't seen that before. The neomerx package is a complete headache to wrap your head round - not least because their coding style is different from the Laravel coding style. I've spent years using it so I understand what's going on inside of it, so I've kind of done the hard work around understanding it!!

The upside is nemoerx is completely focused on making their encoder super performant. Particularly when iterating over large data sets to produce compound documents. This for me is the key thing: to use a different package, it would have to have that attention to performant encoding.

I'll definitely take a look at the package you've linked to though. To be honest, my approach with the new version is going to be to hide whatever does the encoding behind an interface in this package, so that the use of neomerx is completely hidden. That would mean if we wanted at any point to use a different package for encoding, it could be swapped out behind that interface.

I've started work on the next version of the encoder and other related clases. I know a number of people have offered to help in the past; the new code should be easier to wrap your head around.

I've got a few things that are good for people to contribute, if people still want to volunteer. Here's an invite link to Slack

@Nizari While I'm working on a neomerx encoder, it should also be possible to write an encoder that wraps the json-api-php library you referenced. Would you be interested in having a go at writing that encoder?

Update on this. I've got a working encoder that hides the Neomerx encoder as an internal implementation detail. It's exceptionally quick, i.e. by upgrading to the latest version of the Neomerx package and by wiring into it in the way I'd envisaged, there doesn't seem to be any performance cost to developing our own approach that hides the Neomerx interfaces.

A lot of extra stuff to do before a 3.0 release with the new approach, but definitely a big step in the right direction.

@lindyhopchris The Slack invite link is not active, can you re-share it again?

Hi @lindyhopchris We upgraded our application to Laravel 7 and a lot of tests were breaking, when we upgraded the package.

After inspecting the code base we came aware of this issue and a lot of deprecations in the package.

My question is, what is the plan on backwards compatibility and developer experience? We discovered the package and used it to build and test our API a couple months ago, but where to go from here? Rewrite the whole API again, or forking and maintaining our own version of this package?

Maybe give the devs reading the docs a large hint, that when using the package, they are probably standing in front of a grand rewrite.

Or am I misunderstanding the future development?

@michaelklopf it's a great question. I'm not keen to introduce a painful upgrade path in this package, so my current tactic is as follows.

I'm in the same situation as you that I have a number of production applications that are using this package and for which it would be a nightmare to introduce a painful upgrade path if there were a lot of changes in one major version step.

As such I have therefore started to dev the new version in a separate package, under a Laravel JSON API Github organisation. That will allow the new version to be developed without disrupting this package.

Once that new package has a settled approach, I can therefore start exploring a gradual upgrade path for this current package that is not massively disruptive and means developers have the option of gradually upgrading over time, rather than having to re-write to adopt the new package.

That means this package will be maintained for the foreseeable future though it may not receive any new features. I.e. will be maintained with the current feature set.

Does that make sense? Would be great to hear your thoughts!

I like your approach. Probably the most sensible one. Similar to building APIs with your tool and not trying to break our users applications πŸ˜…

How about adding RQL (Resource query language) as JSON:API specification leaves the filtering logic to us =)

I found some packages related to this which we can use to integrate. I know it has good amount of work with eloquent query builder.


@smtlab thanks for the suggestion but I'm not keen on adding something specific for filtering, as it's really down to each application to decide how to implement filtering. I'd prefer to keep this package just specific to what's in the spec, not fill in gaps in it.

@lindyhopchris I'm starting a new API and would like to use v2. Between the examples in this thread, docs, and then referencing code, what should I use to implement v2 right now? Just trying to separate out v1/v2 information. I'm digging into it now but figure some up-to-date context from you might help!

Edit: looks like v2 is standard now :) I'll assume docs are all good then.

@kdevan yeah you want to use the latest version of this package. I'm still dev'ing the completed refreshed package, but I'm doing it in a separate package.

This package (cloudcreativity/laravel-json-api) will be kept working for the foreseeable future (as there's lots of people using it in production apps). It will get Laravel upgrades but I won't dev new features in it - new features will end up in the newly refreshed package.

One the new package has settled and is production ready, I can then work on upgrade paths from this package to the new package.

@lindyhopchris any update on the status of the refreshed package?

Yeah I've been working on it - it's coming along nicely, I've got Nova style schemas working now which is good.

It's just slow progress because I've only got limited time on Open Source work at the mo... but it is progressing.

@lindyhopchris do you mean that we can just mention the field type and column name and the package will take care of the rest?

If you are implementing it in a way how Laravel Nova works, It will be awesome. We can save a lot of time on while writing simple CURD API's and for more complex things we can use Actions as we have in Nova.

Anyways I got excited when you mentioned nova.

I'm available if you need some contribution in the code.

@martianatwork yes it will be like that, but if you need to customise the resource object then you'd need to implement that.

Here's an example of what it's looking like at the moment... I'm really tied up with work at the moment, so haven't had any open source time. I'm planning a sprint on Laravel JSON API in November, as I have a late-October work deadline.

The schema is the Nova-like class:



namespace DummyApp\JsonApi\V1\Posts;

use DummyApp\Post;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Contracts\Paginator;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Fields\DateTime;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Fields\Relations\HasMany;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Fields\Relations\BelongsTo;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Fields\Str;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Filters\ID;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Pagination\StandardPaginator;
use LaravelJsonApi\Eloquent\Schema;

class PostSchema extends Schema
     * The model the schema corresponds to.
     * @var string
    protected string $model = Post::class;

     * The resource the schema corresponds to.
     * @var string
    protected string $resource = PostResource::class;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function fields(): array
        return [

     * @inheritDoc
    public function filters(): array
        return [

     * @inheritDoc
    public function pagination(): ?Paginator
        return StandardPaginator::make()->withMetaKey(null);

It will be possible for the JSON to be generated just using the schema above. However, if you need to start customising the resource object, there will be a resource class that works like the Eloquent resources:


namespace DummyApp\JsonApi\V1\Posts;

use LaravelJsonApi\Core\Resources\JsonApiResource;
use function url;

class PostResource extends JsonApiResource
     * @return string
    public function type(): string
        return 'posts';

     * @return string
    public function selfUrl(): string
        return url('api/v1', [$this->type(), $this->id()]);

     * @return iterable
    public function attributes(): iterable
        return [
            'content' => $this->content,
            'createdAt' => $this->created_at,
            'synopsis' => $this->synopsis,
            'title' => $this->title,
            'updatedAt' => $this->updated_at,

     * @return iterable
    public function relationships(): iterable
        return [

All the code above is written and working, just need a week of Open Source time to get to a releasable version.

@lindyhopchris this sounds great, when can we test this?

@martianatwork yes good point, should provide an update!

I managed to spend several weeks on the revamped library in November. It's almost ready for a pre-release tag, which I'm hoping to do relatively soon. It's taken longer than I expected because I spent the time writing full documentation rather than launching it without docs.

You can take a sneak peak here:

I'll post here again when I release the first tagged version

Have tagged the first alpha release of the redesigned package - available via Composer as laravel-json-api/laravel.

Full documentation has been published here:

Would be good if there were any keen early-adopters on here! As you'll see from the documentation, there's a lot in there already. Feedback required to work out what the priorities will be for what needs adding next.

Join the conversation on Slack