
Jakarta EE9 and onwards support for http-restful-ws package

abutch3r opened this issue · 1 comments

The current Jakarta http-restful-ws package uses the old javax.* namespace for the jax-rs packages that were replaced in Jakarta EE9 with jakarta.*. As such J EE9 and the upcoming EE10 are currently incompatible with the http-restful-ws package.

Both Resteasy and Jersey latest versions are JEE9 compatible, though Spring are planning Jee9 support 4Q2022, but for support for boot 3 and framework version 6, Jee9 support will be required

To support JEE9 and 10 from reviewing the source code


would need updating to a minimum of 3.0.0

replace all javax.* imports with jakarta.* - Given obviously these changes would break the Jee8 support. would likely need to somehow differentiate between