
Love Chanfana but is this possible? (Nested routes description)

agotfredsen82 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi love Chanfana, great work.

We have v1 and v2 nested routes working side by side and both are added to the base/root router and would be beyond awesome if both could have description in the root .. like a summary root docs describing both v1 and v2 somehow if its even a part of openapi ??? I have no clue ...

when doing this we get and then we get individual docs for and and that is awesome .. but the don´t clearly describe v1 and v2 its just one big thing .. so how do you or others handle this .. ? of you want a root docs that describe that you have multiply version endpoints , or maybe it is beyond the scope of openapi ?

const router_v1 = fromIttyRouter(Router({ base: "/v1" }), {
base: "/v1",
schema: {
info: {
title: "API 1",
"Backend 1 .",
version: "v1.0.2",

const router_v2 = fromIttyRouter(Router({ base: "/v2" }), {
base: "/v2",
schema: {
info: {
title: "API 2",
"Backend 2 .",
version: "v1.0.1",