
Type error when using middleware

danielsundq opened this issue · 5 comments

There is a type error when using ordinary itty-router middleware together with an OpenAPIRoute class instance:

import { withParams } from 'itty-router';
router.get('/devices/:id/alarms', withParams , TodoList);

The error reads:

TS2769: No overload matches this call.   Overload 1 of 3, '(path: string, ...handlers: OpenAPIRouteSchema[]): OpenAPIRouterSchema', gave the following error.     Argument of type '(request: IRequest) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type 'OpenAPIRouteSchema'.   Overload 2 of 3, '(path: string, ...handlers: RouteHandler<IRequest, []>[]): RouterType<Route, any[]>', gave the following error.     Argument of type 'typeof UnitDeviceAlarms' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RouteHandler<IRequest, []>'.       Type 'typeof UnitDeviceAlarms' provides no match for the signature '(request: IRequest): any'.

Note that the route and the middleware works as it should. This is just a type issue.

Getting the same error. not fond of having to use //@ts-ignore

Hi @danielsundq @tuzzmaniandevil
Is it possible to achieve this: #84 with a middleware here?

With a framework like expressjs (out of context of cf workers) which provides you (req, res, next) and makes it easier to follow middleware pattern and extracting say (email key) from body as

Is is possible to achieve the same with this itty-rotuer-openapi? I'm aware that it has (request, env, context, data) but unable to get the and next in the similar fashion :/

G4brym commented

Hey there, i've just published the new v1.0.0 release that fixes this issue
Upgrade to the latest version, if the issue is still not solved please re open this issue to let us know
Migration guide to 1.0.0 available here

Hi @danielsundq @tuzzmaniandevil Is it possible to achieve this: #84 with a middleware here?

With a framework like expressjs (out of context of cf workers) which provides you (req, res, next) and makes it easier to follow middleware pattern and extracting say (email key) from body as

Is is possible to achieve the same with this itty-rotuer-openapi? I'm aware that it has (request, env, context, data) but unable to get the and next in the similar fashion :/

In general, itty follows a different pattern for middleware/handlers. In express, next must be explicitly called to proceed to the next middleware/handler. In itty, this is achieved by simply not returning (from the middleware). Anything that fails to return, or returns undefined, hands the flow back on to the next handler. The equivalent of not firing next (which ends the chain), is returning anything (or throwing an error).

const expressMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
  // do something
  next() // continue to the next handler

const ittyMiddleware = (req, ...other) => {
  // do something, but don't return

In short, middleware === handler in itty, and either can effectively become middleware by not returning. Likewise, any middleware can intercept the chain (e.g. to return a 401 early) by returning something.