
Help with inline import json-schema-ref-loader

ValYouW opened this issue · 5 comments


I have an issue when importing json using json-schema-ref-loader, this is most likely NOT json-schema-ref-loader issue but will appreciate if anyone can see what I'm missing...

So my import is like
import MySchema from '@cloudflare/json-schema-ref-loader!./my-schema.json';

And I get the following error when running webpack:

Module parse failed: Unexpected token m in JSON at position 0 while parsing near 'module.exports ...

I assumed this is because there is some other loader who tries to parse the json after json-schema-ref-loader loaded it, so I prefixed the loader with !! which should disable all configured loaders:
import MySchema from '!!@cloudflare/json-schema-ref-loader!./my-schema.json';
But still no luck :(

If I change the file extension from json -> jjj the following works:
import MySchema from '@cloudflare/json-schema-ref-loader!./my-schema.jjj';

Any ideas how I can resolve this?

@ValYouW json-schema-ref-loader understands several formats. If there is a .json extension it will just try to parse it as JSON. I don't remember offhand what the default behavior is if the extension is unrecognized, but it's probably either YAML or JavaScript, both of which are more forgiving.

Given that you have module.exports, it looks like your file is probably JavaScript and not plain JSON.

@handrews Hi, I don't have "module.exports", I have a regular json file:

"a": 123,
"b": ""B"

As I wrote, I think that json-schema-ref-loader is working OK, converting the json to a module (here) but since WebPack works in a loader-chain fashion there is probably a loader that comes after json-schema-ref-loader that expects to get a json file but gets the json-schema-ref-loader output, which is a module... this is my assumptions, I am trying to see if I can "disable" all the loaders that comes after json-schema-ref-loader in the chain...

OK, found that in WebPack 4 changelog:

webpack now handles JSON natively
You may need to add type: "javascript/auto" when transforming JSON via loader to JS

So I need to "tell" webpack that json-schema-ref-loader emits javascript, so it will know that the json file is no longer a json and won't try to parse it (webpack 4 parse json files natively)... the problem is that I can't do it for "inline loaders"...

Oh, I see- it's outputting JavaScript which is now a problem. One day it will be possible to do things in JS without stacking a bajillion constantly changing frameworks on top of each other. Maybe.

OK, so to close this issue, this is what I ended up with:

  1. I removed the "inline loader" style when importing the schema
  2. Renamed all schema files to end with .schema.json
  3. Defined the following module rule in my webpack config:
  test: /\.schema\.json$/,
  loader: '@cloudflare/json-schema-ref-loader',
  type: 'javascript/auto',
  exclude: /node_modules/

This way json-schema-ref-loader will only handle my schema files and webpack will keep handling regular json files...

Thx :)