
Roadmap to v2

threepointone opened this issue · 4 comments

Wrangler 2.0.0 - Project Board

This is the parent issue tracking feature implementations and deprecations for wrangler v2. We commit to be not just feature complete, but also with a solid backward compatibility plan AND a migration plan for the deprecations being made. Expect this list to grow and shrink on the journey to completion.



Smaller tasks

Closing as these are all now captured in the [Wrangler 2.0 Milestone)(

huw commented

Is there a good way to follow a milestone? Or will there be a blog post when it hits stable?

@huw - this is a good point. As far as I can tell there is no way to be notified on changes to a milestone.
I believe you can subscribe to releases from a repository... but, for sure, when we release 2.0.0 there will be a blog post.

@petebacondarwin is there a way to make the project publically viewable?