
Logging output errors with CF_TRACE=true cf enable diego

TomShacham opened this issue · 6 comments


may be similar to #3

tom$ cf -v
cf version 6.22.1+6b7af9c-2016-09-24

Diego-Enabler v1.2.1

CF version 240


when running CF_TRACE=true cf enable-diego <app> you get the following error

Error: unexpected end of JSON input

however, the command succeeds, because running cf has-diego-enabled <app> afterwards returns true and i have indeed checked that the app is running on a cell and not a dea.

this is an issue because it means the command exits 1.

just to be clear, running cf enable-diego <app> without CF_TRACE=true before it succeeds and exits 0.


We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

The team told me the issue indeed only occurs when CF_TRACE is enabled, and there is no easy way to fix this. Are you OK to keep using it without the trace enabled?

Yes we'll do our best :)

Do you know roughly when it might be fixed?


When we run out of other important things to do or when we start revamping the plugin architecture. Maybe in 3 months?

Okay thank you!

I have added this to the known issues list, with tested work-arounds.
Closing this issue as we're not likely to get to addressing this in a reasonable timeframe.
Thanks again for reporting the issue.

Dies Koper