
missing credentials file error, though no credentials are needed

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Our grafana-boshworkspace uses a grafana-boshrelease from a public git repo. No credentials are needed for cloning/fetching and with bosh-workspace 0.8.5 everything works fine.

Using bosh-workspace 0.9.0 on the same bws I get the following error with bosh prepare deployment:

"Authentication is required for:
Credentials file does not exist: /home/vcap/landscape-dev06/bosh-workspaces/grafana-boshworkspace/.credentials.yml".

best regards, Stephan

Bosh-workspace 0.9.0 changed the git backend from ruby-git to rugged. The error you are seeing means check_connection returns false. Unfortunately check_connection only retruns true of false which means bosh-workspace can not display a more helpful message.

Wow. What a fast answer. Thank You!
Digging a little deeper brings me to
Invalid credentials for:
/home/vcap/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2@bosh-1.3001.0.1/gems/rugged-0.23.0b4/lib/rugged/repository.rb:210:in fetch': The SSL certificate is invalid (Rugged::SslError) from /home/vcap/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2@bosh-1.3001.0.1/gems/rugged-0.23.0b4/lib/rugged/repository.rb:210:infetch'

Seems like I have to add our internal root certificate to the keystore which rugged uses. Do you know which keystore file rugged uses by default?

Best regards, Stephan

Sorry I don't know which keystore rugged is using, but let me know when you find out because I'm interested as well. But I don't have time to investigate right now (I'm on vacation).

I added the CA.crt to /etc/ssl/certs/ and it's content to /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, called c_rehash then all worked - on ubuntu. Thanks and enjoy your vacation!

Stephan, are you planning on making your grafana bosh release available on

I also encountered this issue. create the .credentials.yml in your bosh-workspace. You can find the answer in ""