
Pilot built without version information

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The gobuild script istio uses captures build information

Here's the invocation

The script sets these properties when building the go application

This is exposed when running the version command for the binary

I don't see these settings set in pilot's packaging's script

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

So I was thinking about this @dprotaso and wanted to know what most people do for external dependencies they are building themselves. Do we just make it a SHA of the repo we used? Do we try to mirror some version number? Do we make up our own (hate this idea but good to document that we shouldn't do it).

Feels like SHA is the best idea but I am sure we are open to other suggestions.

utako commented

@dprotaso Are you asking for Pilot provided in istio-release to have versioning info to help with debugging and development? Are there any other user benefits that would help @shubhaat and @shalako prioritize this in our backlog?

@utako, CF Routing Team