
Bosh-agent ifup met "run parts" error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

First, I'd like to say that I'm a complete noob at this Linux universe, so forgive me if this question seems really stupid.

2018-05-14_06:15:16.43470 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Running command 'bosh-agent-rc'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.43474 [unlimitedRetryStrategy] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Making attempt #0
2018-05-14_06:15:16.43491 [DelayedAuditLogger] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Starting logging to syslog...
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44016 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stdout:
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44018 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stderr:
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44018 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Successful: true (0)
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44019 [settingsService] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Loading settings from fetcher
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44019 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Glob '/sys/class/net/*'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44042 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Checking if file exists /sys/class/net/eth0/device
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44046 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stat '/sys/class/net/eth0/device'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44046 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Reading file /sys/class/net/eth0/address
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44047 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Read content
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44047 ********************
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44048 06:d9:16:e2:bf:dd
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44048 ********************
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44049 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Checking if file exists /sys/class/net/eth1/device
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44049 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stat '/sys/class/net/eth1/device'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44050 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Reading file /sys/class/net/eth1/address
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44073 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Read content
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44074 ********************
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44074 06:32:23:a7:b0:37
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44075 ********************
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44076 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Checking if file exists /sys/class/net/lo/device
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44076 [File System] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stat '/sys/class/net/lo/device'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44077 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Running command 'ifup --no-act eth0'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44185 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stdout:
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44186 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stderr: run-parts  /etc/network/if-pre-up.d
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44186 ip addr add broadcast           dev eth0 label eth0
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44187 ip link set dev eth0   up
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44187 route add -net netmask gw
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44188 route add -net netmask gw
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44188 run-parts  /etc/network/if-up.d
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44189 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Successful: true (0)
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44189 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Running command 'ifup --no-act eth1'
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44279 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stdout:
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44280 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Stderr: ifup: interface eth1 already configured
2018-05-14_06:15:16.44280 [Cmd Runner] 2018/05/14 06:15:16 DEBUG - Successful: true (0)

And these values ip addr add broadcast are my eth1 info.

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