
Please remove agent.cert

Closed this issue · 4 comments

/var/vcap/bosh/agent.cert is expired from 2016 and seems it's not used in the code. Would you please remove it in the new stemcell? Thanks.

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

Duplicate of #197

But the commit 5e0b8e4e8ac439e4b66b47cc0bab924d3470fd9a which contains the fix is not in the latest ubuntu-xenial/v170.x. Would you please put the commit in the new stemcell? Thanks.

@gu-bin this will be available in the next major stemcell line. Because it is an unneded and unsupported file with minimal risk, we're not planning on backporting the removal to older versions. Let us know if you run into this issue in future versions, or if you have a new concern about the files.