
Is disk type=thin ignored for vsan in favor or vsan storage policy ?

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Support Question

When trying to enable thin provisionning for vsan disks using persistent disk type=thin, I observe in vsphere UI that the disk isn't explicitely labelled as thin provisionning, despite the cpi vsphere api calls do indeed specify it

type [String, optional]: Virtual disk type used for persistent disks: thick, thin, preallocated, eagerZeroedThick. Defaults to preallocated. Available in v12. Overrides the global default_disk_type.

Disk detail in UI

CPI disk log:

 <backing xsi:type="VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo">
  <datastore type="Datastore">datastore-18</datastore>

Is this the normal expected behavior from VSAN disks, and would a PR on bosh-docs be accepted to clarify scope of persistent disk types (i.e. ignored on vsan) ?

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@klakin-pivotal, you have any thoughts on this?

@gberche-orange If you change the disk provisioning type to thick or eagerZeroedThick, does that change the VM storage policy of the related disk?

Given that it seems like we're passing through the instruction to thin provision the disk to vCenter, I wonder if this is a bug in the IAAS... whether a vCenter display bug, or a VSAN bug.