
Flake in `credhub/service_bindings.go:229`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We believe that this Expectation has become flaky. We can't expect the CLI to print this message, as there appears to be a race condition that makes it sometimes be ready to be printed in time, and sometimes to arrive after the command has finished.

Comment from @jdgonzaleza who investigated the flake from the CLI side:

These tests rely on the output from staging logs from the start command. This is going to be flaky by design as logcache doesn't guarantee that every log will come through.

  service bindings
    during staging
      [assisted credhub]
          has CredHub references in VCAP_SERVICES interpolated [It]

          Got stuck at:
              Starting app CATS-1-APP-b0cb7a5f67ed6b2a in org CATS-1-ORG-6231880145c8243e / space CATS-1-SPACE-b334fd1335f3c7ee as CATS-1-USER-62861a97b1d7b874...
              Staging app and tracing logs...
              Starting app CATS-1-APP-b0cb7a5f67ed6b2a in org CATS-1-ORG-6231880145c8243e / space CATS-1-SPACE-b334fd1335f3c7ee as CATS-1-USER-62861a97b1d7b874...
              Waiting for app to start...
              Instances starting...
              Instances starting...
              Instances starting...
              name:              CATS-1-APP-b0cb7a5f67ed6b2a
              requested state:   started
              last uploaded:     Mon 26 Jul 10:25:42 UTC 2021
              stack:             cflinuxfs3
              	name                          version   detect output   buildpack name
              type:           web
              instances:      1/1
              memory usage:   256M
                   state     since                  cpu    memory      disk      details
              #0   running   2021-07-26T10:25:52Z   0.0%   0 of 256M   0 of 1G   
          Waiting for:


A VMware Slack thread for those who have access.

Should be closed as of #505