
.NET Core Test Pended for 6 Years

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Gerg commented

I was on the hunt for a sample .NET Core sample app and noticed that the dotnet-core app in assets does not work on modern Cloud Foundry.

Investigating how this was possible, I discovered that the .NET core test using that app has been pended since 2016

PDescribe("dotnet-core", func() {
// This test involves a vendored dotnet core app whose locked dotnet version will not be removed
// from the dotnet core buildpack until end of the version's LTS in 2019
It("makes the app reachable via its bound route", func() {
Expect(cf.Cf("push", appName, "-m", DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT, "-p", assets.NewAssets().DotnetCore).Wait(Config.DetectTimeoutDuration())).To(Exit(0))
Eventually(func() string {
return helpers.CurlAppRoot(Config, appName)
}).Should(ContainSubstring("Hello from dotnet-core"))

Commit that pended it: 24854e1

We should fix and unpend the test or, failing that, delete it.