NOTICE: Removing Ruby 2.3.1 and adding Ruby 2.3.3 in cflinuxfs2
Closed this issue · 1 comments
The cflinuxfs2 stack currently includes Ruby 2.3.1. New versions of the stack after April 1, 2017 will include Ruby 2.3.3. This is a backwards-compatible, patch-level version change, but if you have a Gemfile that explicitly depends on Ruby 2.3.1 in the cflinuxfs2 stack, you should update that Gemfile not to lock to a particular version of Ruby, as we make no guarantees about the version of Ruby provided in cflinuxfs2.
Note that the cflinuxfs2 stack has historically contained Ruby, even though the Ruby Buildpack provides separate Ruby binaries. This change will not affect the Ruby versions provided by the Ruby buildpack.
We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:
The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.