
Newly generated area approver team names are not RFC 0005 compliant

silvestre opened this issue · 3 comments

According to RFC 0005 Standardizing Github Teams and Access the team name for approvers is supposed to have an -approvers suffix:

Name of Team Team Membership Permissions
wg-[WORKING-GROUP-NAME]-[AREA-NAME]-approvers Approvers & tech leads for an area within a WG Write access for all repos in the area

However the org management code is omitting that suffix:

OrgGenerator._kebab_case(f"{name}-{a['name']}"): {


With proposing to add a -reviewers team omitting the suffix here could cause confusion down the line.

You are right. And nobody noticed so far. I'll prepare a fix.
This also means that any usage of the generated teams e.g. in Concourse or branch protection rules need to be adapted.