
tail subcommand doesn't give any warning of a typo

Opened this issue · 3 comments

If I had the app logspinner, but did the command for cf log-cache tail logzpinner, it would succeed. It looks like it assumes that I am looking for a bosh component and therefore doesn't complain.

However, we could look at meta, and give a warning that the given source-id doesn't exist in log-cache.

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this:

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

@thepeterstone this is not trivial to implement as the app names are unique in a space. Even if we try to the implement this, the name could be from another app. Therefore it is always better to use an app GUID instead of the app name ;)

I think there probably is a quality-of-life improvement where we could at least print a warning if nothing matches the source ID / app name.

e.g. "Warning: Provided source ID / app name does not match any source IDs in Log Cache or apps in this space."