
Gather GUIDs from applications only with v4.0.0

Opened this issue · 2 comments

In order to get a list of the noisy neighbour applications up until now (up until the latest 4.0.0 release ) we were using v3.1.0 and the following command to get the GUIDs of the applications together with the log stats:

cf log-meta --noise --guid --sort-by=rate --source-type=application

After we get the guids we run another CF API call to get the organization and space where the app is running:
cf curl /v3/apps?guids=GUID[i]&include=space,space.organization and the end we show everything as a table.

Now we've installed the latest version of the log-cache cli plugin and we've got an error that the --guid switch can only be used with --source-type=platform. Therefore we've tested with:

cf log-meta --noise --sort-by=rate  --guid

and in the output we've found guids and names of the CF's system components like:

b7a4131c-d903-4b96-a317-964e1683eac7  100000  11051395     1m25s     84498
99fb2c5e-6a0c-40a7-ae85-d84d7b4c2da7  100000  1012754700   1m9s      86893
cc                                    100000  1852851914   1m10s     100949
5173064e-ba3d-4ac5-870d-fc4e5189175e  100000  30521455     3m35s     105759
udp_forwarder                         100000  2928951589   56s       109205
c828168b-46d0-485f-9311-c532d2657e26  100000  39282416     3m53s     113781
metrics_discovery_registrar           100000  3228728621   50s       120818
forwarder_agent                       100000  3378198414   48s       126431
21f89441-0582-48f5-b4f4-2632d51336ea  100000  65673912     48s       132437
4b38f61e-db0f-4112-af0b-9e9366b6ffe8  100000  1205981622   2m30s     136012
metron                                100000  3753111887   43s       140506
prom_scraper                          100000  3766084995   43s       140872
830fcabf-c3c8-4e58-8d11-38108aa28d45  100000  2015974692   42s       149169

Are the GUIDs only from running applications? Can we simply run the output through GUID validator to filter out the system components and leave the application guids only?

Is there some other way to get only the guids of the applications?

Best Regards,

We have created an issue in Pivotal Tracker to manage this. Unfortunately, the Pivotal Tracker project is private so you may be unable to view the contents of the story.

The labels on this github issue will be updated when the story is started.

Few more further questions and observations:

Why is the --guid flag only available with --source-type=platform? I personally think that this does not make any sense as
the platform components don't have guids.
The output of the command cf log-meta --noise --guid --sort-by=rate --source-type=platform is like:

vxlan-policy-agent            31197   0       2h28m50s  205
bosh-dns-adapter              32130   0       2h28m42s  216
netmon                        35712   0       2h28m44s  240
rep                           46334   0       2h28m50s  307
udp_forwarder                 65355   0       2h28m48s  440
cc                            83358   0       2h28m54s  500
uaa                           92283   0       2h28m56s  623
metrics_discovery_registrar   100000  27876   1h56m24s  860
forwarder_agent               100000  33808   1h51m1s   900g
metron                        100000  48670   1h39m59s  1000
prom_scraper                  100000  48828   1h39m56s  1005
syslog_agent                  100000  63554   1h30m57s  1100
metrics-agent                 100000  68140   1h28m41s  1131
gorouter                      100000  696710  12m53s    2612

In CF, the application names are unique only in a space and to identify an application globally an app guid is needed.
At the moment the command with --source-type=application parameter returns the app names.

cf log-meta --noise --sort-by=rate  --source-type=application

log-spammer-0-5                          application  1301   0  2h41m28s  8
log-spammer-0-1                          application  1299   0  2h41m17s  8
test-node                                application  1298   0  2h41m17s  8
log-spammer-0-3                          application  1299   0  2h41m14s  8
log-spammer-0-2                          application  1301   0  2h41m28s  8

The only option to get app guids that I've found up until now is to get the apps and platform data together and then to filter out everything that does not have a guid format.
The command is: cf log-meta --noise --guid --sort-by=rate

locket                                13565   0        3h46m9s   60
faf34e61-09cf-4742-8314-0e1bf60dceb5  15321   0        3h45m37s  68
silk-controller                       16106   0        3h46m0s   71
service-discovery-controller          16284   0        3h46m0s   72
log-cache-gateway                     18991   0        3h45m9s   84
log-cache-cf-auth-proxy               20345   0        3h45m9s   90
grootfs                               30379   0        3h45m36s  91
1c44740b-a6c0-4a96-962b-8798a7c339f5  20591   0        3h45m36s  92
reverse_log_proxy_gateway             21248   0        3h45m0s   94
cc_uploader                           21719   0        3h46m10s  96

From a usability point of view the operators can not do much about the platform logs, so their focus is on observing how the applications behave. With the v4 of the plugin the only way to correctly identify the apps is to get all the log-meta data like in the last example and filter out the platform components.