
Only the initial URL is crawled, and --max-crawl-depth is ignored

eilidhhyslop-fmp opened this issue · 7 comments

When running lighthouse-parade using npx lighthouse-parade <url>, or npx lighthouse-parade <url> --max-crawl-depth 2, only the initial URL is reported on.

  • Several of us have tried this and had the same result
  • We have tried this using several node versions
  • We have tried using multiple websites and in each case validated that they have links to other URLs on the same site

Curious if anyone else is seeing the same issue? We are both on Windows.

Getting the same issue on a Mac. First tried on node v17.4.0 and was getting unsupported engine issues, but the whole site was crawled afterwards with errors on each URL crawled.

Tried several versions of node as specified by the unsupported engine message (^12.13.0 || ^14.0.0) and had the same issues @eilidhhyslop-fmp is experiencing, in that it would only give a successful report for the initial URL and that basically the crawl mechanism was unresponsive.

Hi! Sorry for the delayed response, I'll take a look next week!

@eilidhhyslop-fmp I will need to re-check on Windows since we don't regularly do Windows testing for this tool. It seems to be working fine on MacOS right now.

@SamesJeabrook I ran npx lighthouse-parade and it appears to be crawling correctly and generating Lighthouse reports correctly. If you run that command, does it work for you? Can you provide a testing URL that doesn't work to help me reproduce the issue?

It turns out I had been testing with 2.0.0, instead of the latest 2.0.1. 2.0.1 has this bug, 2.0.0 works correctly when --include-path-glob is not passed.

I've opened a PR to fix this: #103

That should be merged soon, in the meantime you can pass --include-path-glob "/**" or use 2.0.0

Amazing, thanks @calebeby!

Published in v2.0.2

Thanks @calebeby 😁 ⭐