
Error: Lighthouse report failed for:

Closed this issue · 7 comments

This works fine on my Mac, but on Ubuntu I get:

~$ npx lighthouse-parade
npx: installed 161 in 3.014s
Starting the crawl...
Error: Lighthouse report failed for:
Error: Lighthouse report failed for:

Because there were no reports I got UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning when trying to consolodate them. Makes sense.

Why would Lighthouse fail here in Unbuntu?

@mgifford Does lighthouse work when you run it in Chrome Devtools?

With the browser on that device, no problem.

Hmm, I ran that command on my mac and it worked fine. I'll check on Linux to see if I can reproduce the problem there.

Just to make sure, what is npx lighthouse-parade --version?

$ npx lighthouse-parade --version
npx: installed 161 in 12.936s
lighthouse-parade, 2.0.2

@mgifford Can you double-check that you are using node 14 or 16? My guess is that you might be using node 12 or older

And right you are. Thanks.

Worth adding something like "Check to see if you're using Node 14 or 16)" rather than "(Supports Node 12 and 14)"?