
Will the reports be affected if I'm doing something processor intensive while the report is running?

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@calebeby When I ran a report recently, my laptop was chugging. It made me wonder if it was better to leave my laptop alone or if it was okay to continue doing other tasks while the report ran. I didn't know if doing other tasks would impact the report's outcome.

Also, what if I'm running two reports for two different sites simultaneously? Does that affect the outcome?

I've noticed that on my computer, when my computer is "busy" then the lighthouse scores tend to be lower. I definitely notice the fans running and I expect that it is thermal throttling. To get the most accurate data, you can avoid doing other things on your computer, and you can tell lighthouse-parade to only run one lighthouse report at a time (using --lighthouse-concurrency 1). It is a trade of off inconvenience vs. accuracy. You can use Activity Monitor to look at the CPU usage, and if it is pretty high, that probably suggests that the lighthouse reports might be off, and you might be better off by setting the concurrency lower and/or avoiding doing other CPU intensive work on your computer