
Blur is missing from transform options

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Cloudinary offers blur transform options but this is not reflected in the blur API. Would be great if this API had all the options.

Hi @jdwillemse,
Can you share with us the call you are trying to make? And possibly where it is not being referenced. I found an example that uses blur here:
I am looking forward to your update.

I want to be able to chain this filter to the other transformations


Here is another reference:


I believe you are trying to create a chained transformation, more info here.
If you can share the whole transformation you are trying do, I can go ahead a try to reproduce the issue. Also, can you identify the language you are using, it appears that it is Java?

If sensitive information is being shared, you can open a support ticket at and address it to me.

I'm using the core lib in JS (React). Here is the relevant code

import cloudinary from 'cloudinary-core';

const cloudinaryCore = new cloudinary.Cloudinary({ cloud_name: 'xxxx' });
const transformer = new cloudinary.Transformation();

const transform = transformer

<img src={`${cloudinaryCore.url(source, transform)}` />

@jdwillemse Thank you for reporting this. I will send it over to our dev team to review.

In the meantime, the alternative would be to do either of the following:

var cloudinary = require("cloudinary-core");

const cloudinaryCore = new cloudinary.Cloudinary({ cloud_name: 'xxxx' });
const transformer = new cloudinary.Transformation();

const transform = transformer
    .overlay("text:arial_60:This is my picture")

// Use imageTag to generate a html formatted image tag
    .overlay("text:arial_60:This is my picture").gravity("north").y(20)
// Results
// <img src=",g_faces,w_500/g_north,l_text:arial_60:This is my picture,y_20/couple.jpg">

console.log(cloudinaryCore.url("couple.jpg", transform));
// Results
//,g_faces,w_500/g_north,l_text:arial_60:This is my picture,y_20/couple.jpg

Hi @jdwillemse,
I wanted to add to this ticket. I believe what you actually wanted to do was:

const cl ={cloud_name: "demo"});
let transformer = new cloudinary.Transformation()
  .effect( "blur_faces:300") // or any other blur effect
cl.url( 'friends', transformer);

Please let us know if this answers your question.