
Should I worry about these errors?

eeeps opened this issue · 1 comments

eeeps commented
root@17be0b70d8f8:/# /ssimulacra2/build/ssimulacra2 original.png compressed.png
/ssimulacra2/src/lib/extras/dec/ JXL_FAILURE: Failed to parse decimal
/ssimulacra2/src/lib/extras/dec/ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR code=1: DecodeDecimal(&pos, encoded_end, &bytes_to_decode)
/ssimulacra2/src/lib/extras/dec/ Couldn't parse 'Raw format type' text chunk
/ssimulacra2/src/lib/extras/dec/ JXL_FAILURE: Failed to parse decimal
/ssimulacra2/src/lib/extras/dec/ JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR code=1: DecodeDecimal(&pos, encoded_end, &bytes_to_decode)
/ssimulacra2/src/lib/extras/dec/ Couldn't parse 'Raw format type' text chunk

It seemed to produce a result...?

Probably not, looks like some metadata png chunks that it couldn't parse, but that shouldn't affect the score.