
Can't install groups

jwpeddle opened this issue · 3 comments

pacmanfile has been a great quality of life boost! I have noticed that it seems to choke on some things though, and I'm not sure how to work-around it.

I tried to install texlive-most, which is a group. It installs fine, but then on the next sync, I'm asked to remove all the packages in the group. There's no way I can figure out how to fully sync. I tried to just list all the packages in the group separately, and that mostly works, but for some reason I'm still asked every sync if I want to install texlive-core. I'm not sure offhand what's special about texlive-core that makes it choke.

It occurs to me that for this case, I can just leave texlive-core out, since it's a dependency of the other packages and will get installed either way.

@jwpeddle, thanks for this valid bug. Groups are currently not supported and the workaround is, as you described, to specify the group members individually. I added a section about groups in the readme:

As for textlive-core, I'm guessing that you have it installed already as a dependency. However, pacmanfile only looks at the packages you have installed explicitly. To fix that, you can run sudo pacman -D --asexplicit texlive-core.

So I'm guessing that we have two issues at hand:

  • Support for groups
  • Correct handling of packages installed as a depenency which should be changed to being installed explicitly

Can you confirm whether the above command solved the issue for you?

You were correct! After marking it as explicit, I can add it to my pacmanfile with successful syncing. Thanks 🎈