
burn: Benchmarks: burn and startup

laszewsk opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Benchmark and stopwatch use the one from cloudmesh
  • Banner benchamrk
  • print in cluster the times.
  • cluster command needs Benchmark.print()
  • create a stopwatch for each master and worker, dont use same stopwatch.

Benchmark time reported to burn (lite):


time format: m:ss

Name command T_burn(full) (c1) T_burn(light) (c2) First T_start(full) Second T_start(full) First T_start(lite) Second T_start(lite) T_imager(full) T_imager(lite) T_imager_start(full) total (boot) T_imager_start(lite) total (boot)
Rama inventory on PI (d)
DK inventory on PI (d)
Adam inventory on PI (d)
Richie inventory on PI 5:36 1:10 1:01 28s 50s 22s
Anthony cluster on ubuntu 18.04 5:45 1:31 1:36 28s 1:27 37s 6:11 1:41
Gregor cluster on mac (disk) 8:59* 2:04 1:30 33s 1:20 30s 3m 50s (e) 2:13s (e) 2:41s (1:30) (f)
Gregor rdisk cluster on mac (rdisk) 4:02 1:11
Gregor rdisk cluster on Ubuntu 20.04 5:41 1:14 2:48 1:18
  • (c1) cms burn cluster --hostname=red --ssid=SSID -y --device=/dev/sdX
  • (c2) cms burn cluster --hostname=red01 --ssid=SSID -y --device=/dev/sdX
  • (d) first boot is the time it takes you to set up the pi with hostname, wifi, locale, keyboard. this is done by hand
  • (e) imager burn contains time it takes to select the image, image is already downloaded, it contains also entering the sudo password, just like burner
  • = includes typing in the administrator password
  • (a) = on full we wait till wifi no longer blinks
  • (b) = the second boot is done from a clean shutdown
  • (f) did not measure time to set hostnanme also
  • (g) all times do not unclude update and upgrade


Mac Pro 2017 16GB, 3.1GHz, USB, doedoeflu

|   Adr. |   bus |   Vendor |   Prod. | H Vendor       | H Prod.   |   Man. |   Ser.Num. |   USB Ver. | Comment                                                    |
|      2 |     1 |     1423 |   33896 | 058f           | 08468     |      1 |          3 |       3    | Alcor Micro, Corp. Mass Storage  Serial: 058F84688461      |
|      1 |     1 |     8457 |    2067 | VIA Labs, Inc. | VL813 Hub |      1 |          0 |       3    | VIA Labs, Inc. USB3.0 Hub                                  |
|      4 |    20 |     8457 |     256 | 02109          | 0100      |      1 |          3 |       2.01 | VIA Labs, Inc. USB 2.0 BILLBOARD  Serial: 0000000000000001 |
|      3 |    20 |     6720 |    2049 | 01a40          | 0801      |      0 |          0 |       2    | TERMINUS TECHNOLOGY INC. USB 2.0 Hub                       |
|      2 |    20 |     8457 |   10259 | VIA Labs, Inc. | VL813 Hub |      1 |          0 |       2.1  | VIA Labs, Inc. USB2.0 Hub                                  |


ThinkPad P50 2016 16GB, 2.8/3.7(turbo boost) USB

|   Adr. |   bus |   Vendor |   Prod. | H Vendor               | H Prod.                          |   Man. |   Ser.Num. |   USB Ver. | Comment                                   |
|      4 |     1 |     5002 |     144 | Validity Sensors, Inc. | VFS7500 Touch Fingerprint Sensor |      0 |          1 |       2    | Validity Sensors, Inc.                    |
|      3 |     1 |     1226 |   28760 | 04ca                   | 07058                            |      1 |          0 |       2    | Lite-On Technology Corp.                  |
|      2 |     1 |     1118 |    2090 | 045e                   | 082a                             |      1 |          0 |       2    | Microsoft Corp.                           |
|      6 |     1 |    32903 |    2603 | Intel Corp.            | Bluetooth wireless interface     |      0 |          0 |       2    | Intel Corp.                               |
|      5 |     1 |     1423 |   38208 | Alcor Micro Corp.      | AU9540 Smartcard Reader          |      1 |          0 |       2.01 | Alcor Micro Corp. AU9540 Smartcard Reader |
|      1 |     1 |     7531 |       2 | Linux Foundation       | 2.0 root hub                     |      3 |          1 |       2    | Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub             |
|      2 |     2 |     3034 |     774 | 0bda                   | 0306                             |      1 |          3 |       3    | Realtek Semiconductor Corp.               |
|      1 |     2 |     7531 |       3 | Linux Foundation       | 3.0 root hub                     |      3 |          1 |       3    | Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub             |


Look at times reported during burn . Make sure to specify also USB reader/writer

  • Rama
  • DK
  • Adam
  • Anthony
  • Richie
  • Gregor

Benchmark time reported to burn (full):

Look at times reported during burn . Make sure to specify also USB reader/writer

  • Rama
  • DK
  • Adam
  • Anthony
  • Richie
  • Gregor

========== DETAILS =====

Benchmark time reported to start (lite):

Plug SDCard in, start manual stopwatch (cellphone), measure time till machine comes up, or you can login from your computer via ssh

  • Rama
  • DK
  • Adam
  • Anthony
  • Richie
  • Gregor

Benchmark time reported to start (full):

Plug SDCard in, start manual stopwatch (cellphone), measure time till machine comes up, or you can login from your computer via ssh

  • Rama
  • DK
  • Adam
  • Anthony 60s
  • Richie
  • Gregor (about 60 - 70 s)

It takes 65 seconds for my worker to respond to a ping after being turned on.

time ping red001
cntrl-c after first response


Time to image master: 6:28
Time to install cloudmesh on master: 6:43
worker sd card says generic storage device, 64 GB
Time to burn worker on master: 2 minutes

Burn gui on linux (for raspios cluster) verified today at 1500 for --no_diagram commit.