
Add "How do I pick?" Page

abarciauskas-bgse opened this issue · 4 comments

We should have a simple how do I pick page with at least the content from the slides, that is:

  • The tables about data type --> data format
  • The table about data format --> adoption
  • Hard limitations of each (for example, kerchunk is limited to the chunk shape of it's underlying data files)
  • Considering the user - how will they use the data? Can you ask users to use a new format?

here are some other formats that are not really cloud formats

  • geopkg
  • ...

@wildintellect mentioned geopkg has many layers which makes it harder to understand and use than flatgeobuf

The text at the bottom of the welcome page should be moved to this or elaborated on

Discussed more the content with
@kylebarron @abarciauskas-bgse

This NEW page should include the How and Why of choosing a format based on use case (general questions to ask oneself)

  • What is the structure of the data?
  • How are users expected to use/interact with the data?
  • What are the most obvious trade-offs between 2 similar formats one might choose between.