
gptscript tool to notify in the OS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


OS-Notifier is a tool designed to send notifications to the user's operating system. It allows for a customizable message and title to be specified, making it versatile for various notification needs.


  • Customizable Message: Specify the message you want to send to the user.
  • Customizable Title: Set a title for the notification, giving context to the message.


To use OS-Notifier, you need to provide two arguments:

  • message: The message you want to send to the user.
  • title: The title of the message.

The tool utilizes sys.exec to execute a Node.js script (notifier.js) located in the ${GPTSCRIPT_TOOL_DIR} directory, which handles the notification sending process.


To send a notification with the title "Reminder" and the message "Meeting at 3 PM", you would use the following syntax:

gptscript eval --tools "github.com/cloudnautique/os-notifier" "Send a message from the terminal that says HELLO!"