
Setting variable enabled=false results in errors

paulrob-100 opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the Bug

When using the context variable enabled and setting it to false, terraform plan produces many errors.

The outputs produce errors due to usage of coalescelist with empty tuples.


Error: Error in function call

  on ../../ line 98, in resource "aws_route" "default":
  98:   route_table_id = zipmap(
  99:     var.availability_zones,
 100:     matchkeys(
 101:       aws_route_table.private.*.id,
 102:       aws_route_table.private.*.tags.AZ,
 103:       var.availability_zones,
 104:     ),
 105:   )[element(keys(var.az_ngw_ids), count.index)]
    | aws_route_table.private is empty tuple
    | var.availability_zones is list of string with 3 elements

Expected Behavior

Terraform plan and terraform apply should handle the module disablement gracefully
All outputs should be empty

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to examples/complete/
  2. Add enabled = false to the public_subnets and private_subnets module input variables
  3. Run terraform plan
  4. See error


None necessary

Environment (please complete the following information):

Anything that will help us triage the bug will help. Here are some ideas:

  • OS: Linux
  • Version TF 14.7

Additional Context
