
How can I use it with cloudscribe.Web.Localization?

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I want the text to show the resource in the resx file

this project doesn't currently have support for localizing menu items from resx files. It "might" come later to be able to specify an IStringLocalizer of T to use from xml in the tree builder, but not sure when I would get to work on that.

However, in use with cloudscribe Core multi-tenancy I have done projects with a tenant used per language and a separate navigation.xml file for each site with the menu text localized to the language of the site.
With cloudscribe Core the way it works is that normally all sites would use navigation.xml file and therefore the same menu would be used for all sites. But it is possible to create a file named with the tenant id guid like navigation.[tenantguid].xml and if that file exists then it will be used for the tenant that has that id. So this makes it possible to use a different file for each tenant and the file for the tenant can be localized to the language of the tenant site.

Thank you, this might be the solution I'm looking for
I will try it out