
Multiple/wildcard upload

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Is it possible to upload multiple files in one go?

My project produces several .deb files, all of them need to be published.

Ideally, I'd like to do something like

      - name: Publish to
        uses: cloudsmith-io/action@master
          command: "push"
          format: "deb"
          file: "build/*.deb"

Even if multiple files are not supported, it is still not clear how to specify file when file name is dynamically generated (like, it contains version number in its name).

The current action can't handle multiple packages at once (this is maybe something that could be added to the cloudsmith cli tool itself rather than the action?) but wildcards do work, you can do something like:

  file: debian/artifacts/package-name_*_amd64.deb

to publish a package regardless of the possibly generated version number.

You could also have a step which saves the package version to an env variable, like

- run: echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -S version)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

- uses: cloudsmith-io/action@master
    file: debian/artifacts/package-name_${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}_amd64.deb

+1 this should added

@kepstin Not sure it actually works the way you intended. I'm trying to pass a file retrieved by actions/download-artifact using something like ${{ }}/* for file (there's exactly one file at the path). GitHub Actions does what it should with the output part and then, judging by the build logs, the path is handed over to Cloudsmith CLI without expanding the wildcard. Not sure why that happens, actually... Bash eval should expand globs at this point, unless glob expansion is turned off. But I clearly see in the preceding echo output that the asterisk remains, as if it were escaped when passed inside the script. The relevant build logs can be found here, if you're interested.

Allowing for multiple files to be uploaded would be exceedingly useful.

For example, using cibuildwheel to create python wheels for multiple architectures and/or python versions would output multiple files in a single build run (e.g., which would need to be uploaded.

Currently, I have to wait for the run to complete, download the files, and then use the cli to upload to cloudsmith, which is rather cumbersome (even more so because the CLI also doesn't support multiple files).

this is maybe something that could be added to the cloudsmith cli tool itself rather than the action?

Would that then translate "transparently" to the action? And do you know if there is an open issue for that, by any chance?