
Move cloudstateio/cloudstate/go-support into this repository

Closed this issue · 7 comments

According to cloudstateio/cloudstate#103 (comment)

Good stuff, @marcellanz! @jroper is on a break, but let me know what you need and I'll do my best to assist!

I think I'm good for the time @viktorklang. I can work on the tasks mentioned in the Issue and until I PR I think I need nothing yet from yours. Thank you.

Awesome, thanks @marcellanz! :)

Input from the Weekly Call, 2019-10-01:

  • provide/publish a docker image for the TCK to be running on its own TCK run => #2
    "tell" the TCK where to find them
  • the CloudState protocol with its protobufs can be provided to language support libs as a versioned artefact. possibly a ZIP file. Language implementations then can decide how to distribute them with their releases => see cloudstateio/cloudstate#118
  • try to reduce source code included in the documentation, but what is there should be automatically verified

Tasks left from this issues where moved to separate issues #2, #3 and #4.
