
Base language for get_responses should be default=all

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently when you want to get_responses from a limesurvey survey, you get by default only the english responses.

In order to accommodate all users in an equal way, I would suggest to specify that you get all languages, unless you specify a language.

I guess that specifying sLanguangeCode = "" in get_responses.R will do the trick.

Jan-E commented

Currently when you want to get_responses from a limesurvey survey, you get by default only the english responses.

After the merge of #13 the argument is NULL now. Then it returns the BaseLanguageFromSurveyID:

I guess that specifying sLanguangeCode = "" in get_responses.R will do the trick.

empty("") is true (see ), so my guess is that sLanguangeCode = "" will still return the BaseLanguageFromSurveyID. NULL or "" do not make any difference for

if (empty($sLanguageCode)) $sLanguageCode=getBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($iSurveyID);

Turns out to be a LS thing. I will ask for changes there...