
Mail a specific participant with mail_registered_participants

stephLH opened this issue · 1 comments

I try to mail a specific participant of a survey.

According to the API documentation, it is possible using the overrideAllConditions parameter :

* Send register mails to participants in a survey
* Returns array of results of sending
* Default behaviour is to send register emails to not invited, not reminded, not completed and in valid frame date participant.
* $overrideAllConditions replaces this default conditions for selecting the participants. A typical use case is to select only one participant
* * $overrideAllConditions = Array(); * $overrideAllConditions[] = 'tid = 2'; * $response = $myJSONRPCClient->mail_registered_participants( $sessionKey, $survey_id, $overrideAllConditions ); *
* @access public
* @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
* @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey that participants belong
* @param array $overrideAllConditions replace the default conditions
* @return array Result of the action

I tried these three syntax with limer to mail the participant with the token id 1 :

call_limer(method = "mail_registered_participants", params = list("iSurveyID" = 123456, "overrideAllConditions" = list("tid" = "1")))
call_limer(method = "mail_registered_participants", params = list("iSurveyID" = 123456, "overrideAllConditions" = list("tid" = 1)))
call_limer(method = "mail_registered_participants", params = list("iSurveyID" = 123456, "overrideAllConditions" = "tid = 1"))

But none works :(
Does anyone have an idea ?