
how to get confidence score of each word using Attn

nbhupendra opened this issue · 2 comments

I dont want to calculate distance with gt. i want the confidence score for read word by Attn. Like suppose if word read by attn is "hello" and is confidence is 99% or something so that i could discard non english or junk character or word. @ku21fan @YacobBY please help.

@ku21fan Can you check if it is possible? @YacobBY any thought?


Sorry for the late reply.
I just commit codes about confidence scores.
Please check and test recent version~ ( and e8b465d

P.S. Recent code may occur error in F.grid_sample(~~, align_corners=True)
because the attribute align_corners of F.grid_sample is introduced in PyTorch 1.3.0.
So you may need to remove , align_corners=True in here or upgrade PyTorch to 1.3.0
