Why is Clowd.Squirrel Deprecated on NUGet and Will it Return?
LouDavis951 opened this issue · 2 comments
LouDavis951 commented
I was experimenting in using Clowd.Squirrel for a .NET 6.0 Winform application. This morning I saw that NuGet had flagged this package as deprecated for critical bugs. Will these issues be resolved or is this the end of Clowd.Squirrel?
Noah1989 commented
See #158 - there was a minor release that was broken. Just revert to the previous one.
caesay commented
No, I'm still working on this project (hence the recent release) but some personal life issues have slowed my time available. I'm working on getting some updates out to v2 and v3 very soon. Thanks. In the mean time please use the latest non-deprecated version.