
Push access for new maintainers?

danielbayley opened this issue · 2 comments

@swang @clutchski There are a lot of open issues and PRs left ignored; I for one would like to be given push/release access to address some of these… I also have a number of PRs to the @aminland /coffeelint2 fork of this project. With eslint-plugin-coffee we can have nice modern linting for CoffeeScript.

@danielbayley I have forked it to coffeelint/coffeelint and will release new versions as @coffeelint/cli as per @clutchski's request.

If you still want to help maintain it I could add you as a maintainer.

@danielbayley I have forked it to coffeelint/coffeelint and will release new versions as @coffeelint/cli as per @clutchski's request.


If you still want to help maintain it I could add you as a maintainer.

@UziTech Definitely, count me in!