
Fetch specific weather forecasts from your terminal

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Terminal json weather reports via the weather api from yr.no.


Create your .yrcli.json containing your location like in the example

yr # now
yr -h 16 # at 16:00
yr -d 1 -h 12 # tomorrow at 12:00
yr -f # 5 day forecast

Output is json. For quick usage you can pipe to json:

yr | json rain # amount of rain for the next hour
yr -f | json -a temperature # temperatures for next 5 days


Here is an example output object annotated with the standard metric units (because we just return numbers):

  "from": "2015-12-31T15:00:00Z",
  "to": "2015-12-31T16:00:00Z",
  "rain": 0.7, // millimeters
  "cloudiness": 100, // percent
  "humidity": 95.5, // percent
  "temperature": 4.1, // celcius
  "wind": {
    "speed": 5.2, // meters per second
    "direction": 181 // degrees in direction of compass, e.g. 180 is straight south.

The dates are UTC JSON date strings you can Date.parse().


In accordance with yr.no usage policies, data is cached for 10 minutes in the cacheFile specified in your config.


$ npm install yr-cli -g


MIT-Licensed. See LICENSE file for details.