Feature Request: Have PyATEMMax send MQTT message on specific events, say cut/transitions?
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Feature Request: Have PyATEMMax send MQTT message on specific events, say cut/transitions?
This would drive an 'event' centered methodology, rather than have to endless query ATEM switch? Wondering if the BMD SDK has ability to setup callback? So when a cut/transition is done, the ATEM communicates the change to PyATEMMax and then PyATEMMax forward said 'event' via say MQTT for example. This would seem to be a much lighter, leaner implementation?
To track current cut/transition changes for example, you have to query via the REST API every second or less to capture tally state, for remote tally reporting for example.
Also the current PyATEMMax architecture is focused on a single ATEM switcher, we have several, that all are integrated into a BMD Video Hub, and at any given time, via the hub configuration, an given ATEM can control all cameras connected to the hub. This gives us primary and secondary ATEM switches, and a backup ATEM switch... where any give ATEM switcher can change tally state for any given camera. Don't see an easy way to provide this functionality via the query polling based method PyATEMMax uses without generating extensive network traffic? Whereas the even drive model, as each ATEM generates and event, and PyATEMMax generates the resulting MQTT message, again no need to extensive polling.
Closing since I believe I can leverage some of the code in tally-str.py to achieve what I want.